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7th Birthday Party Bash - Adopt a Dog Party

About six months ago, Kinsley and I were looking for a fun theme for her birthday party. After searching Pinterest I came across the concept of an "Adopt a Puppy" birthday party and as Kinsley is going through a stage where she is obsessed with dogs, I figured it would be the perfect theme.

Then came the planning and after scouring the internet for ideas and coming up with a couple of my own, we were ready for the Party. The thing that took the longest was to find the most affordable stuffed dogs and have linked them below.

I ordered them from Amazon and they are located here. They come in a pack of 12.

We planned the party for 10 girls including Kinsley which I found to be a good number. I knew that choosing a dog would be a something I needed to plan out fairly. I decided as Kinsley was the Birthday Girl she got first choice then we would play a game to determine the next one to select and so on. I found this Dog Bingo at Party City and knew it would be perfect.

After the girls got their dogs, we had to do their Adoption Certificates and Vet Checks. I created these Adoption Certificates and had them printed out prior to the party. The kids loved naming their puppies! They are only in second grade so I had to help a lot of them out with spelling but it was fun to see all of their creativity.

Vet Checkups were next. This was a last minute addition so I didn't have time to make my own so I ordered a digital copy from Etsy. We had a toy doctor kit with a fake needle and medicine we used. I also used scraps of paper that the girls could color and use as bandages to put on their puppies.

Next up was to make collars for the puppies. I ran to Dollarama and Michaels to grab beads and pipe cleaners for the collars. There were a lot left over to add to my craft bin for the kids.

I then gave the girls some free time to go and use the Puppy Cleaning Station while I prepped for the next craft. The puppy cleaning station consisted of a spray bottle, pretend salon toys and brushes for their pups. If your anything like us from the toys you get, you have a lot of spare doll and barbie brushes lying around so I told the girls to take one home with their pups. The girls loved to clean their puppies up!

Next up was painting some dog bowls! I purchased some cheap bowls from Dollarama and had the girls paint them up. A lot of them painted paw prints and fun prints and colors. After they were done painting and finished up, I spray them outside with an acrylic paint sealer to keep the paint from chipping off of them.

I had originally planned for these cute boxes to be dog houses but when I opened them they were a bit smaller than I thought but I knew they would be perfect doggie bags for them to take home with treats for their pups (and them)! I bought some fun items to put into their little doggy bags which included Fetch Sticks (Hickory Sticks), Dog Bone Sour Candies, and two types of Kibble (Reese's Pieces Cereal and chocolate TimBit cereal). After while I was getting lunch ready the girls had a chance to decorate their doggie bags with stickers I have saved up over the years to know whose is whose.

The lunch menu was my daughters favorite which is hot dogs of course! I made a fun hot dog bar menu for the hot dogs for the girls to place their orders! I wonder why no one wanted a Chihuahua???

The other snacks and lunch items included: Ruffage, Pawtatoe Chips, Dog Bones, Kibble, and Fetch Sticks.

The Fetch sticks were Hickory Sticks and also included in their doggie bags.

Pawtatoe Chips were my daughters favorite chips of All Dressed.

Everyone was leery of the kibble at first but once they realized it was chocolate, it was a hit!

The dog bones were a favorite and very on theme.

And of course some Ruffage which included celery, carrots, and peppers.

The drink of choice was fruit punch mixed with lemonade mixed with a touch of Sprite. I added some food coloring to make it murky but I added too much and it just became purple!

We opted to do just cupcakes from Safeway. If I would have been on it earlier, it would have been nice to have them in the shape of a dog bone but once we did Happy Birthday and handed them out, there really was no shape left anyway.

Lastly the girls had to grab some cute blankets for their puppies. I'm sure that I will horrify all sewers everywhere but I just went to Fabricland and grabbed some fabric and cut it into square for their blankets. It cost me like $6.00 and I definitely ordered too much and could have bought way less fabric for cheaper.

The decorations I bought were from Amazon and Party City. I didn't do much but really there was so much going on with the puppy stuff, it wasn't really needed. I have linked the items below.

There foil balloon dogs were the biggest hit! We filled them with helium and because of the paws they just sit on the ground!

Then it was presents and everyone was picked up! The girls said the party was a hit and honestly it was pretty easy to plan. If you end up doing this party definitely let me know

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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

I am Courtney the face of Gratefully Gonda. I am a mama of two littles, a girl named Kinsley and a boy named Lincoln. I married the boy (now man) I met at work, Keith and we have been married for 5 years. 

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